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Search Engine Optimization

Organic search optimization refers to designing and positioning a web page to have the best chance of being accurately and effectively indexed by search engines. Effective search engine optimization involves a number of different activities working in concert to maximize visibility and ranking.

Ethical search engine optimization components include:

1. Keyword Research and Positioning

  • Proper keywords in the body of a web page help to index a page

2. Credible, Indexed, Keyword Oriented Content

  • Search engine crawlers are sophisticated enough to detect when pages are relevant to a search request. Having ethical and credible keyword oriented content is extremely important for search engine optimization.

3. Web Site Optimization

  • There are multiple areas on a web page to optimize search indexing: the title bar, the content, and the meta tags.  Consistency is very important for increasing page rank.

4. Submissions to Search Engines and Directories

  • Search Engines vs Directories
    • Search engines, such as Google, use software programs known as crawlers to continually scan and rank web content. These bots travel web page to web page indexing the content and information available. As such, search engines have a quantitative role in search results.
    • Directories, such as Yahoo, often have a search function but have databases built by submissions. Submissions can be paid or unpaid.  Directories have a more qualitative role in web searches.

5. Link Popularity

  • Linking refers to other websites pointing to yours. This helps search engines determine credibility and authoritative content and is an integral part of Google’s ranking system.

Top ranked web sites are successful in all 5 categories.  FP iMarketing can design a custom strategy for your web site that encompasses all areas of ethical search engine optimization.  Your customers are searching for your products and services using search engines, make sure they find you first!


Ethical Means Effective 

Using unethical search engine optimization techniques, such as cloaking, duplicate websites, link farms, ect., in order to artificially increase page rank can result in a web site being banned by major search engines and directories. Ethical search engine optimization does not guarantee an immediate high ranking for a website, but offers significant advantages: traffic is free and higher than for similar pay per click (ppc) campaigns, you are able to index more keywords than a pay-per-click campaign, and organic search results have higher credibility than pay-per-click results.

FP iMarketing adheres to strict ethical rules for search engine optimization to ensure that high page rankings are the result of proper execution.