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Free PPC Consultation

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Do you have questions about pay per click campaigns? We’ll answer your questions and discuss how to maximize your web presence.

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Pay Per Click Advertising

Pay per click advertising, or paid searching, refers to a search marketing strategy based around bidding for keywords and phrases on a search engine like Google and Bing .

The major benefit is that visitors who find your website through this method are pre-qualified and very relevant. Cost for keywords depends on how many competitors are also bidding for the same keywords.

Pay Per Click Management

Proper PPC management involves a number of activities beyond bidding for keywords. Keywords need to be researched for relevancy and popularity, bid limits need to be constantly updated, individual campaigns need to be streamlined for a specific market and audience, and custom landing pages need to be designed to maximize conversion rate.

FP iMarketing builds and maintains complete AdWords based PPC campaigns for businesses in a variety of industries. In addition to landing page design, campaign development, and keyword research, we constantly update bids and keywords to ensure our clients experience consistently high traffic and conversion rates while staying within a limited bid budget. The ROI of an effective PPC campaign can be measured quantitatively to determine effectiveness.

Pay Per Click Fraud

Click fraud is activity by visitors whose sole intention is to charge the website for a click. It is estimated that 10-20% of pay per clicks are fraudulent. Search engine hosts do try and limit this activity but automated watchdogs can only catch so much. FP iMarketing is able to identify more of these fraudulent clicks and implement tactics to lower the unnecessary cost to the client.

Working with Third-Party Partners

We believe that AdWords can help your business succeed. However, you might not have the time or resources to devote to building – and regularly maintaining – a successful AdWords account. Or maybe you’d just like some help from an expert.

An AdWords third-party partner can save you and your business a lot of time and energy. For best results, we encourage you to stay informed, involved, and up-to-speed on your ad campaigns, and let your partner handle the time-consuming work.

Read more on Google's Advertiser Guide to working with third-party partners: