What about Yahoo and Microsoft?

  • October 29, 2004

You can bet Yahoo and Microsoft aren’t letting Google’s results go unnoticed. Google’s latest stock price($198) makes them worth more than Yahoo. And Yahoo has email, Hotjobs, mapping, financial news, banner advertising etc. in addition to their own search engine. What makes Google worth more? The search engine and database. …

Search Engine Mavericks

  • October 21, 2004

Surprisingly, there a number of companies we know that use search engine marketing almost exclusively to generate new sales. The common thread is that it works. And it doesn’t matter if its B2B or B2C. The comment usually is that it is much easier than other forms of marketing, not …

Beyond the numbers

  • October 14, 2004

I often hear people tell me how many clicks they get on their websites per month. Sometimes all they care about is having more traffic go to their website. Getting more traffic is good, but is that traffic doing any good? Do you get more sales or value from those …

eBay-like efficiency will drive search engine marketing

  • October 1, 2004

Search engine marketing has the potential to revolutionize how products and services are bought and sold around the world. It’s a heck of a lot easy to sell something when you can deliver the possibilities to those that are looking for it. As I’ve heard it described, it’s a ‘virtuous …